Surah Ghafar

- Thomas Cleary
The revelation of the Book is from God the almighty, the omniscient,
- Thomas Cleary
who forgives sins and accepts repentance, is severe in punishment and possessor of power. There is no other deity; that is where destiny leads.
- Thomas Cleary
No one disputes the signs of God but those who are ungrateful; so don’t be fooled by their comings and goings in town and country.
- Thomas Cleary
The people of Noah rejected truth before them, as did parties after them. And every people plotted against their messenger, in order to stop him; and they strove to nullify the truth with falsehood. But I stopped them; and how was My chastisement!
- Thomas Cleary
Thus the sentence of your Lord against the ingrates has been justified, that they are to be inmates of hell.
- Thomas Cleary
Those who hold the Throne and those who surround it extol praises of their Lord, believing in God and asking forgiveness for those who believe: “Our Lord, You encompass all things by mercy and knowledge; so forgive those who repent and follow Your way; and shelter them from the torment of the blaze.
- Thomas Cleary
“And admit them, Lord, to the gardens of eternity You promised them, along with those of their parents who were righteous, and their wives and their progeny; for You are the Almighty, supremely wise.
- Thomas Cleary
“And shelter them from evils. And anyone You shelter from evils on that day, You have granted mercy. And that is the great escape.”
- Thomas Cleary
Those who scoffed will be summoned, and it will be declared, “The loathing of God is greater than your loathing of yourselves— for you are invited to faith, but you refuse.”
- Thomas Cleary