Surah Anam
All praise is due God, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light; but the atheistic deem them equal to their Lord.
- Thomas Cleary
God is the one who created you from clay, then appointed a term. And there is a designated term in the divine presence. Yet you doubt.
- Thomas Cleary
And this is the God in the heavens and the earth, who knows your secret thoughts and your public appearance, and knows what you are worth.
- Thomas Cleary
Yet whenever one of the signs of their Lord came to them, they turned away from it.
- Thomas Cleary
So they have considered truth false when it has come to them; but news of what they used to mock will soon be coming to them.
- Thomas Cleary
Do they not see how many a generation We annihilated before them, whom We had established on earth with power We have not given you, as We sent them abundant rain from the sky and made rivers flowing below them. But We annihilated them for their crimes, and We produced later generations after them,
- Thomas Cleary
Had We sent you down a book on paper that they could touch with their hands, the atheists would have surely said, “This is but evident sorcery.”
- Thomas Cleary
And they said, “Why was an angel not sent down to him?” But if We had sent an angel, the matter would already be decided, and then they would be given no time.
- Thomas Cleary
And if We had made it an angel, We would have fashioned it as a man, but then We would have cloaked them in their own mystification.
- Thomas Cleary
Messengers have certainly been ridiculed before you, but those who sneered were surrounded by what they used to scorn.
- Thomas Cleary